
Posted by Way Siong | | Posted On Wednesday 15 June 2005 at 9:47 am

Sometimes i wonder whether i'm fit to be studying here.. Somehow i still find myself having trouble finding friends, and getting along well with people... darn.. why am i having trouble over such matters?

Still can't find a group of people that i really fit into.. I've dwelled into a ditch of endless problems. Somehow one thing after another seemed to creep into my life.. and though sometimes i could really take care of it, i wonder how long will i be able to keep it up...

Anyway, we'll be having another exam by the end of the month... This time it'll be a real exam with real consequences... I'm not entirely prepared for it though.. but i know that i'll try my hardest to get it right.

Our group project is completed yesterday.. We were all quite satisfied with it though we know it could be better if we had more words.. As for my individual assignment, i'm close to completing it, with only 123words left to eliminate.. It proves to be difficult.. and my essay is getting saturated with facts.. which i guess would be cut away if i really need to shorten things..

After then assignment.. i could finally focus my attention to the exams... Its Stuvac now which stands for student vacation, but we as med students, do not have the priviledge.. hehe! Nah, its because we had a weeks holidays a few months back..

I've settled down... but still not satisfied... The experience has not been a really nice one for me, and it could get better, i know it could.. if i really tried to do it.. but somehow, i'm taking too long to adapt..


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