Changing environments

Posted by Way Siong | | Posted On Thursday, 12 May 2005 at 10:00 pm

I suddenly understood why our groups are shuffled around. Maybe its not the real reason behind the move but for me, its to learn to cope with changing environments in a hospital. As a doctor, we will be constantly involved in different groups of people when solving a particular problem. To work efficiently in this, i guess its important to learn to cope with different people quickly. I always find it rather difficult to adapt to new environments, people and surroundings. I am more inclined to form clicks when trying to find friends, and when hanging out. I am still like this, but what i lack is a group that i could really blend into.. hehe! So far.. the guys from Malaysia Hall are my only close friends. I guess the ever changing members of the scenario group and the clinical sessions allow me to learn to adapt to new situations more quickly than i can now.


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